DynamicTags Plgin

DynamicTags is a hierarchical gameplay tags system. You can define gameplay tags with path-like string (delimited by ‘/’ ).

Compatibility of GrassPlugins

  • Engine:
    Unity 2020.3.37 (LTS) or later
  • Render Pipeline:
    Build-in, URP, HDRP, and all other custom RPs
  • Graphics APIs:
    DX11, Metal, Vulkan

Features of GrassPlugins

  • Supports hierarchical gameplay tags definitions.
  • Supports scoped tags assets.
  • Provides runtime APIs for tags management.
  • Provides tree-view asset editor, property drawer, tags picker.
  • All sources is C# and put in a namespace.
Create tag source asset

Click menu item “Window / DynamicTags / Create a tag source”.

Edit tags in source asset.

Edit tags source assets on inspector view. You can create hierarchical tags with delimiter ‘/’ (like a path string).

Define ‘DynamicTagsFilter’ in your gameplay code.
Edit runtime tags: Select a source asset for each property.
Edit runtime tags: Add and choose some tags in DynamicTagsPicke
  • Select a source asset for each property.
  • Click ‘Add’ button to open Tags Picker.
  • Choose some tags.